If you hit this error Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError
inspite of setting ORACLE_HOME and the path variables. Please check your CLASSPATH. On a windows system if there are any spaces in the path, then it will fail. So clear any paths having spaces or avaoid having spaces in your paths. I had some other paths in the classpath varaible not related to OBIEE.
So I cleared the classpath varable and only set the Classpath=OBI_HOME/lib (This path does not any spaces in its path).
After setting this, the opatch worked.
Please check if this applicable to you. For me this was not relevant as I already had the correct seetings:
inspite of setting ORACLE_HOME and the path variables. Please check your CLASSPATH. On a windows system if there are any spaces in the path, then it will fail. So clear any paths having spaces or avaoid having spaces in your paths. I had some other paths in the classpath varaible not related to OBIEE.
So I cleared the classpath varable and only set the Classpath=OBI_HOME/lib (This path does not any spaces in its path).
After setting this, the opatch worked.
Please check if this applicable to you. For me this was not relevant as I already had the correct seetings:
After having wracked my brains for hald a day, this solved my issues. Thank you!!