Monday, 26 November 2012

How to publish RPD in OBIEE 11G Manually

To deploy RPD in OBIEE 11G manually follow the belwo process. Although this is not recommended , but if you have any issues with EM then the below process will come handy, as it did for me. In my case my EM had issue with locking and updating files.

1. Disbale central Configuration setting from within EM (Refer my earlier post on how to do this, here)
2. Stop all BI Services
3. Upload you new RPD (xxxxxx_02.rpd) to the the server (Location can be found out from your .INI file)
5. Update the INI file with the new name of RPD. make sure its a new name and not existing name.
     ex: xxxxxx_02.rpd

4. Login to EM, login to Enterprise Manager, in the folder structure on the left side, expand WebLogic   Domain and right-click Security --> Credentials. Expand "" and create a key
ex: Key: repository. xxxxxx_02
5. Add a entry for your RPD as per other existing entries, user name will be tempvalue and enter RPD password for the password field.
6. Save the entry
7. Restart BI Services

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