Most often than not you would find yourself looking for System specs like RAM, Disk, etc while troubleshooting certain issues or for that matter general maintenance. Here's a list of commands I find useful.
Physical Ram on Linux:. cat /proc/meminfo or free -m
Physical RAM on Solaris: /usr/sbin/prtconf | grep Memory or sar -r 5 10
Physical RAM on AIX: svmon -G
Check Swap Space: swap -l
CPU : cat /proc/cpuinfo
Check Disk: du -sk, df -hk
Checking I/O: iostat -c 2 10
Check system Resource Usage: vmstat 2 10
General system Performance: top or uptime
Unzip cpio or tar files: cpio -idmvc < filename , tar -xvf filenmae
Killing a Unix Process:
kill -9or
kill -9 `ps -ef|grep -v ksh|grep|awk '{ print $2}'`
Find a file Cointaing the search word in Current Dir:
find . -exec grep "serach word" '{}' \; -print
Ports currently used:
netstat -na|grep
Delete files older than a timestamp:
find . -type f -mtime +15 -print -exec rm -f {} \ -> Could replace rm with ls
Based on access time:
Script to find files greater than a Size threshold:
for i in `find . -name "*.log*" -exec ls -1tr {} \;`
#echo "Checking the size in current directory"
size=`ls -ltr $i | awk '{print $5}'`
if [ $size -gt $THRESHOLD ];
echo "File \" $i \" is greater than the Treshold"
ls -ltr $i
Some vi string commands:
:g/$/s//hello -----append end of each line
:1,$ s/^/hello/ ----- start of each line
:g/ok/s//hi/gc-----replace ok with hi globally, c is optional that requires you to enter y or n to replace or not.
Refer: for additional help
Install a Linux Package:
rpm -ivh
To check if a Package is installed:
rpm -qa|grep
Check Hostname:
hostname -a
To configure Hostname :
Check following for N/W Config:
/etc/hosts, /etc/sysconfig/network, /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0, /etc/resolv.conf
Start and Stop services in Linux: service network start/stop/restart -->network here is Service name
Physical Ram on Linux:. cat /proc/meminfo or free -m
Physical RAM on Solaris: /usr/sbin/prtconf | grep Memory or sar -r 5 10
Physical RAM on AIX: svmon -G
Check Swap Space: swap -l
CPU : cat /proc/cpuinfo
Check Disk: du -sk, df -hk
Checking I/O: iostat -c 2 10
Check system Resource Usage: vmstat 2 10
General system Performance: top or uptime
Unzip cpio or tar files: cpio -idmvc < filename , tar -xvf filenmae
Killing a Unix Process:
kill -9
kill -9 `ps -ef|grep -v ksh|grep
Find a file Cointaing the search word in Current Dir:
find . -exec grep "serach word" '{}' \; -print
Ports currently used:
netstat -na|grep
Delete files older than a timestamp:
find . -type f -mtime +15 -print -exec rm -f {} \ -> Could replace rm with ls
Based on access time:
find . -type f –atime +20 –print -exec rm -f {} \;
Script to find files greater than a Size threshold:
for i in `find . -name "*.log*" -exec ls -1tr {} \;`
#echo "Checking the size in current directory"
size=`ls -ltr $i | awk '{print $5}'`
if [ $size -gt $THRESHOLD ];
echo "File \" $i \" is greater than the Treshold"
ls -ltr $i
Some vi string commands:
:g/$/s//hello -----append end of each line
:1,$ s/^/hello/ ----- start of each line
:g/ok/s//hi/gc-----replace ok with hi globally, c is optional that requires you to enter y or n to replace or not.
Refer: for additional help
Install a Linux Package:
rpm -ivh
To check if a Package is installed:
rpm -qa|grep
Check Hostname:
hostname -a
To configure Hostname :
Check following for N/W Config:
/etc/hosts, /etc/sysconfig/network, /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0, /etc/resolv.conf
Start and Stop services in Linux: service network start/stop/restart -->network here is Service name
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